Corporate Safety Mission Statement

Corporate Safety Mission Statement

Glasrock / OMI is extremely conscious of the safety of our employees, citizens of our community and the importance of our physical assets. As an employer we recognize the obligation to ensure the safest possible workplace for our employees. As a corporation we recognize our responsibility to protect the client’s physical assets from damage or loss and to provide a safe environment for the clients we serve. Our ultimate goal is to achieve an accident-free, loss-free environment for our employees.

To help meet these goals, Glasrock / OMI has allocated resources to administer an aggressive loss control program. Some of the program components include written safety policies, procedures, and job hazard analysis, employee training, safety inspections/audits, risk assessments and additional administrative controls.

Glasrock/OMI also has a top-down approach regarding safety. We require that all Managers, Superintendents, General Foremen and Foremen accept the responsibility of their craft, adhere to and reinforce the corporate safety policy as well as specific client safety rules.. It is expected that Foremen and up, will complement the efforts of the Safety Coordinator to reduce losses and provide for the safety of employees. These loss control responsibilities are continuous and equal in importance with all other operational considerations.

It is the responsibility of each employee to follow all safety work rules, procedures and to cooperate with and support the loss control program activities and objectives. Each employee is expected to report any unsafe conditions and to request instructions from a supervisor if they are unsure how to conduct a task safely. It is the responsibility of each supervisor to monitor and assist employees in the safe performance of their duties. Safe work behaviors and attitudes are an expected part of every employee’s job performance.

Loss control is every employee’s responsibility. This mission statement will be reviewed annually to allow Glasrock / OMI to meet the mutual beneficial goal of maintaining a safe, accident-free environment for both our employee’s and the clients we serve.


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